Revo Casino Updates - Revo Casino and Social House | New Hampshire Revo Casino Updates - Revo Casino and Social House | New Hampshire

The REVO-lution has arrived!

Filotimo in Manchester and Dover, Wonder Casino in Keene, Lebanon Poker Room and Casino, and our newest location in Conway proudly introduce their new name: Revo Casino and Social House. New name, same great experience!

Plus, we’ve added Rebels, the hottest new restaurant at each location! Rebels has it all! From killer cocktails to mouthwatering entrees and desserts that’ll make you swoon, we’ve got the goods. Get in on the action, find your rebel spirit, and dare to dine!



Rebels Now Open in Manchester, Dover, Keene, Lebanon & Conway.

Come experience Rebels! Gather your friends for craft cocktails plus all your favorite drinks, sample our delectable appetizers, or enjoy one of our mouthwatering sandwiches or scrumptious flatbreads! You’re sure to have a rebelliously good time!

Rebels Rebelliously Good Times | Now open in Manchester, Dover, Keene, Lebanon and Conway

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